Tag Archives: Crybaby Wah Pedal

G Koop Wah Wah Gold Collection Vol. 1: Gibson Les Paul

Curated by G Koop


G Koop has brought you an extensive collection of samples highlighting his classic wah wah guitar tone. This release consists of 138 one shot samples and loops. Koop has recorded every chord in all 12 keys, and organized them by chord type into a database that will allow you to add these sounds to your production as easy as importing the files into your DAW or sampler. This first volume was played on a  Gibson Les Paul Studio through a vintage Fender Twin Reverb Amplifier using the classic Crybaby Wah Pedal.

Instruments include:Guitar (138 One Shot Samples and Loops)

Below is an example of a beat using the sounds from this kit.

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